Spicy Pad Thai Noodles

Spicy Noods!

Pad thai is a popular dish in Thailand, especially in the city of Bangkok. It is made by stir-frying rice noodles with other ingredients such as tofu, eggs, tamarind pulp, red chili pepper and fish sauce.

Pad thai is a popular dish in Thailand that can be found in Bangkok. It was originally a Chinese dish from the southern province of Guangdong called “chao tai” or “chao ti”. The name pad thai comes from two words: ผัด (pad) which means to fry and ไท (thai) which means Thai. The dish has gained popularity outside of Thailand and can now be found all over the world.

Spicy Pad Thai Noodles

Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 2 people


  • 1 Griddle
  • 1 Pot
  • 1 Cutting Board
  • 1 Knife


  • ½ onion Onion
  • 1 pound Ground Pork
  • 1 box Pad Thai Noodles
  • Scallions – to taste
  • ¼ cup Sesame Seeds
  • 4 tbsp Chili Garlic Sauce
  • 2 tbsp Chili Sesame Oil


  • Start by boiling your pad thai noodles for 5-10 minutes
  • Add some chili sesame oil to your griddle
  • Over high heat dump the ground pork onto your griddle
  • Dice up your onion
  • Add your onions and griddle for 5 minutes or until fully cooked
  • Add 2 tablespoons of chili garlic sauce and stir in
  • Add your boiled pad thai noodles over the ground pork and stir
  • Add another 2 tablespoons of chili garlic sauce and a little more chili sesame oil
  • Once browned pull off and add to a bowl top with sesame seeds and scallions
  • Enjoy 🙂
Keyword Pad Thai, Spicy Pad Thai Noodles

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